Work piles up at Mumbai’s 3 RTOs after ban on entry of agents

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 20 Februari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Even as citizens have welcomed the ban on agents at RTOs, there are widespread complaints of files not being cleared on time at the city's three RTOs.

As of now, 55,000 new vehicle registration certificates, licences, car transfer papers and other documents are pending at the RTOs. Each RTO witnesses at least 200 people waiting with applications in hand.

On their part, officials blame the delays on poor infrastructure, acute staff shortage and time being spent in assisting applicants instead of processing applications.

A senior RTO official said that the entry banning agents' on RTO premises should have been done with proper planning. He said that earlier most of the paperwork which was handled by agents is now left to officers. "When will they finish other duties?" said the official.

Sources said that earlier there were people who ran errands for which RTO staffers paid tips. "This has stopped now with the ban on entry of outsiders," said a source.

Transport commissioner Mahesh Zagade has, however, warned officers of disciplinary action if they encouraged agents or supported them. "Officers should pull up their socks and work efficiently. There has to be optimum utilization of manpower and a single-window system to clear applications at RTOs," he said.,citizens,ban,Agents

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Work piles up at Mumbai’s 3 RTOs after ban on entry of agents

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