Proposal to shift MAT at "infant" stage: Maha to HC

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 20 Februari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: State government told the Bombay High Court on Friday that the proposal to shift the Maharashtra Administrative Tribunal, Mumbai, to make way for Metro III is at an "infant" stage. MAT is located in the barracks near Mantralaya.

The court heard a PIL for filling vacants posts at Mumbai, Nagpur and Aurangabad but expanded to include deficiencies in infrastructure. When MAT, Mumbai sought more space, the government replied that it would have to be shifted as the space is required for expansion of the Metro.

The government's advocate Molina Thakur also informed a bench of Justice Abhay Oka and Justice Anil Menon that METRO III "is only a proposal" "That was the excuse given by you (government). Address us on the allotment of additional area," said the bench.

The judges were submitted by petitioner's advocate Uday Warunjikar, a list of nearly 20 proposals pending with government. They said the "government should come out with solutions," as MAT is created by the State for its employees and its "obligation" to provide proper infrastructure.

Thakur said the General Administrative Department has requested the advocate general to appear in the matter. Adjourning the hearing, the judges hoped that with his intervention all issues of infrastructure will be resolved.

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Proposal to shift MAT at "infant" stage: Maha to HC

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