Bandra, Mumbai Central part of 50 stations to be spruced up

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 11 Desember 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Passengers visiting Bandra Terminus and Mumbai Central may soon get to see cleaner stations on a par with airports as the railways has decided to outsource the cleanliness and maintenance work to reputed agencies. Across India, the railway board has selected 50 stations where work will be outsourced under the integrated cleanliness contract system. On Western Railway, three stations have been selected, including Mumbai Central and Bandra Terminus. However, none of the stations on Central Railway's Mumbai division finds place in this list.

A senior railway official said, "The cleanliness contract will include the entire geographical area of the station, including the concourse, platforms, tracks and approach road. The entire contract will be given to a single agency."

Such has been the emphasis of cleanliness that the railway board has asked medical officers or those in charge of cleanliness at stations to visit airports, corporate hospitals or five-star hotels to learn their best practices.

The official said, "We hope to get rid of stinky and overflowing toilets as regular maintenance of the drainage system will be undertaken to ensure free flow of sewage generated in stations."

Railways will also ensure quick cleaning of rags and rubbish as soon as a train departs from a platform.

Senior officials will monitor the cleanliness of stations via live feeds provided by CCTVs. High pressure jets and steam cleaners will be pressed into service to remove stains from walls and floors. Moreover, illumination levels will be improved in the concourse area. Specific teams would be set up for supervision of platform, concourse, approach roads etc to ensure round-the-clock monitoring.

The official said, "There will be immediate removal of debris generated at the stations. Moreover, broken tiles will be immediately replaced so that smooth surface is available for cleanliness work."

Under the outsourcing contract, the railways has set certain parameters for cleanliness, including shine level, dust level, paan and gutka stains etc for platforms, foot-overbridges, walls, glass facade, escalators and toilets.

An official said, "If the cleanliness work is not as per the set standards, penalty will be imposed on the contractor. Penalty will also be imposed for defunct machines and unsafe practices." up,Mumbai Central,bandra,50 stations

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Bandra, Mumbai Central part of 50 stations to be spruced up

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