Mumbai Doordarshan has been paying a series of tributes to the actor who passed away December 28. Senior programme executive Sandeep Sood said, "On December 29, the day after Shaikh Sahab's demise, we aired 'Katha' on our Sunday noon slot. We wanted to telecast another film of his the same evening at 4pm but it coincided with the launch of the PSLV satellite so that was shelved. We compensated by telecasting 'Chashme Buddoor' on the following Tuesday and Wednesday in our serialised film slot."
Sagar Sarhadi's 'Bazaar' is the third tribute in this series. In a 2011 interview aired over Vividh Bharati last week, Shaikh had recalled how Sarhadi happened to visit Hyderabad when he noticed young girls being sold to wealthy old Arab men under the guise of marriage. He decided to make his very first film on this theme and the reality check took India by storm in 1982.
'Bazaar's music bonded with another Farooque Shaikh-Khayyam masterpiece 'Umrao Jaan' in one cassette, and continues to play on loop in several homes to this day. 'Phir chhidi baat, raat phoolon ki', 'Karoge yaad toh', 'Dikhayi diye yoon ki bekhud kiya', 'Chale aao saiyyan' and 'Dekh lo aaj humko ji bhar ke' were compiled from the works of the finest Urdu poets like Mirza Shauq, Mir Taqi Mir, Bashar Nawaz and Makhdoom Mohiuddin.
Doordarshan's Sood says that one actor who ranks closest to Balraj Sahni in his natural effortless acting would be Farooque Shaikh. He says, "Even Naseeruddin Shah and Om Puri are stalwarts of parallel cinema but I rate Shaikh as the best of the lot. I have seen his play 'Tumhari Amrita' two times in the NCPA many years ago and I marvel at the way he and Shabana would perform this 'voice drama'. He was head and shoulders above most other actors of commercial cinema, and like his fans, I also feel he never got his due."
Shaikh's other film to be telecast Sunday is 'Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani', where even a brief appearance as Ranbir Kapoor's father created an impact that did not escape compliment in any review. Set Max will repeat the film at 8pm January 24.
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Two Farooque Shaikh films, 'Bazaar' to be telecast on Sunday
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Two Farooque Shaikh films, 'Bazaar' to be telecast on Sunday
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