Check your eye in time: Don't let Glaucoma disrupt your vision

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 06 April 2013 | 22.23

MUMBAI: It is often referred to as the 'silent thief of sight' because the gradual loss of vision it afflicts mostly manifests itself when it is too late. Glaucoma is a menace that may lead to a permanent loss of eyesight, and a person may not even know when the symptoms actually began.

Glaucoma is a disorder that damages the optic nerve of the eye and may lead to permanent loss of eyesight.

According to WHO statistics, the prevalence of glaucoma in India is 2.6 per cent. Doctors say regular and thorough check-up of the eyes is the only way to sight signs of the disease early and control it in time. However, most people are not even aware of the disease and the need to guard against it.

Doctors are urging people to keep a tab on the condition of their eyes and get periodical check ups done.

"People over the age of 40, those suffering from diabetes, migraine, who frequently change their spectacles, who have high minus numbers, use steroids too often and most importantly those who have a family history of Glaucoma are generally at a higher risk of contracting this disease," says Dr Gagan Singh of Arvind Eye Clinic, Chembur, Mumbai.

Patient with diabetes are at a higher risk for developing glaucoma, thus increasing the need for being cautious about the eye disease.

"While we advise all people to get periodical eye check ups done, diabetic patients need to be kept on the high risk radar. Diabetes is an important disease we factor in while evaluating patients for eye disorders," says Dr Sunil S Jain, Iris Eye Clinic, Worli, Mumbai.

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases characterized by damage to the optic nerve. A healthy eye produces a fluid, called aqueous humor, at the same rate at which it drains. High pressure occurs when the drainage system is blocked and the fluid cannot exit at a normal rate. Unlike a ball or a balloon, the eye cannot relieve pressure by springing a leak and "deflating" when pressure is too high. The high eye pressure instead keeps building and pushing against the optic nerve which is responsible for vision. The extreme pressure can permanently damage the nerve fibers leading to loss of vision.

There are two basic types of glaucomas- Open-angle glaucoma is the most common wherein increase in eye pressure occurs slowly over time type. Its cause is unknown, however it tends to run in families. Your risk is higher if you have a parent or grandparent with open-angle glaucoma.

Angle-closure (acute) glaucoma occurs when the exit of the aqueous humor fluid is suddenly blocked. This causes a quick, severe, and painful rise in the pressure in the eye

Since few glaucoma patients experience its symptoms from the beginning, early detection of the disease is generally difficult. Doctors suggest that the only way to prevent this blinding disorder, is a regular and through check-up of the eyes!

Dr Jain says that a regular check once you turn 40 is a must. "Besides the regular eye check-up for vision, what a person needs to get done is a comprehensive eye examination as well."

Explaining the comprehensive eye test, the doctor explains that, "it includes a vision check, a slit lamp examination, an IOP (Intraocular pressure) check and optic disc evaluation. All these indicators help doctors determine the basic condition of the eye". If there are indications of the disease, then more specific tests are carried out to confirm and stage glaucoma.

She says once lost, vision cannot normally be recovered, so treatment is aimed at preventing further loss . Glaucoma affects one in 200 people aged 50 and younger, and one in 10 over the age of eighty. If the condition is detected early enough, it is possible to arrest the development or slow the progression with medical and surgical means.

Since reversing the disease is not possible, the doctors say that one should not wait for these symptoms to crop up to get a check-up done. Small efforts like getting a thorough check-up done every time you change your spectacles can make a big difference in early detection of the disease and save you from its catastrophic effects.

While there is no cure for Glaucoma, elevated Intra Ocular Pressure (IOP) is currently the only treatable risk factor. It is important to treat aggressively with the most effective products such as prescription eye drops that can provide maximum reduction of elevated IOP with long-term control. In some cases, surgery can also help. It is important for patients to use medication as prescribed and maintain regular examinations with an ophthalmologist who can evaluate glaucoma presence, its progression and accordingly provide the necessary treatment options.

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Check your eye in time: Don't let Glaucoma disrupt your vision

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