Fire engulfs actress Moon Moon Sen's apartments in Mumbai

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 12 April 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: A massive fire engulfed the twin apartments of actress and Trinamool Congress (TMC) MP Moon Moon Sen in Mumbai early on Sunday morning.

The incident took place at around 2am in the morning. Several fire tenders were deployed at the spot to douse out the flames.

The actress was in one of the apartments along with her daughter Riya Sen at the time of the fire breaking out. The fire department has confirmed that both are unhurt.

The exact cause of the fire is yet to be ascertained.

Divisional fire officer Abhay Kale said the fire has been brought under control with the help of two high pressure water jets.

"Our control room received a call at around 1.45am - 2am about a fire. Our first arriving officer told us that the fire was in the sixth floor of the apartment which has a ground plus seven floors. The fire was in two joint flats on the sixth floor. We brought the fire under control by using two water jets. The fire originated in those two flats and remained confined there. The cause of fire is under investigation," Kale said. Congress,Riya Sen,Moon Moon sen,Abhay Kale

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Fire engulfs actress Moon Moon Sen's apartments in Mumbai

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