Women in private jobs doubled in 3 years in state

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Women constitute 31% of the state's total workforce of 59.3 lakh across both public and private sectors but they are more likely to be employed in private firms than in government sector, reveals the state's economic survey.

Over the past three years the number of women employed in the private sector has doubled from 5.5 lakh in 2011-12 to 11.8 lakh by December 2014. The number of male employees in private companies, in contrast, inched up from 22.7 lakh in 2011-12 to 25.1 lakh by December 2014.

"Statistics indicate that a higher proportion of women shifted to the private sector than men during the three-year period. It is also indicative of the growing popularity of private firms compared with bureaucratic confinement. They might even feel safer in private establishments than in a government setup," said a source with the state's statistical department.

Interestingly, between 2012-13 and December 2014, 1.2 lakh men entered the public sector compared with just 3,000 women during the period. Between April 2013 and December 2014 alone, 32,000 women appear to have left public sector companies. Experts say they either opted for retirement or switched over to private institutions.

The number of male employees with private firms, which had dropped during 2012-13, once again rose substantially till December 2014. Between April 2013 and December 2014, around 1.7 lakh men left public sector companies, perhaps to join private companies or to opt for voluntary retirement.

The government survey was conducted under the employment market information programme (EMIP), a centrally sponsored programme implemented in the state. EMIP's main objective is to provide information about the structure of employment in public and private sectors to monitor changes in employment levels.

"Under EMIP, data is collected on a quarterly basis. The programme covers all establishments in the public sector, irrespective of their size and non-agriculture establishments in the private sector that employ 10 or more persons," said a Mantralaya official. In Greater Mumbai, though, only those non-agriculture establishments that employ 25 or more persons are surveyed under the programme.

"Total employment in the state, at the end of December 2014, stood at 59.3 lakh, of which 22.4 lakh (37.8%) were in the public sector. Female employees made up 31% of the total employment numbers," stated the data.

According to the sixth economic census, the number of establishments in the state was 61.3 lakh and employed 143.8 lakh persons. The state ranks first in employment among all states. The number of establishments and employment in the state has increased by 47.5% and 36.5%, respectively, compared with the fifth economic census data. Of the total establishments, 42.7% were in urban areas with a 54.1% share in the overall employment. The corresponding figures at the all-India level are 41.7% and 34.4%, respectively.

Also, factory employment has been showing a growth. In 2012, the average daily employment in 37,339 working factories registered under Factory Act, 1948, was around 20.6 lakh. This showed a growth of 4.1% in the number of factories and 13.3% in employment over the corresponding figures for 2011.

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