Wife of Bhojpuri singer Pawan Singh ends life at Andheri

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 08 Maret 2015 | 22.23

The 21-year-old wife of Bhojpuri singer Pawan Singh committed suicide at their Andheri West residence early on Sunday. Singh and his wife, Neelam, had tied the knot only three months ago. Police officials said the motive isn't clear yet as no suicide note was found.

"Prima facie, we have learnt that Neelam would get upset with her husband for coming home late from work. Being in the music industry, Singh used to work at odd hours," said senior inspector Ramesh Khadtare, senior inspector, Amboli police. "We are waiting for Neelam's parents to arrive in Mumbai from Patna, where they are based. We will inquire with them whether Neelam had confided in them about any problems she might have suffered."

Singh's brother is married to Neelam's older sister. Both couples lived in the same apartment, along with Neelam's sister's son, at Evershine Park complex. "Post midnight, Neelam went into her bedroom. She is believed to have hanged herself from the ceiling fan between 1 and 3 am. Her sister was in another room while Singh had gone for a work-related meeting," said an official.

As soon as Singh was informed about his wife having hanged herself, he rushed home. He then took her to the hospital where doctors pronounced her dead. Her body was sent for an autopsy.

The Amboli police registered a case of accidental death. The cops will be making inquiries with Singh and Neelam's sister.

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