24 yr old kidnapped, thrown to death from flyover in Mumbai

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 06 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI : The Sewree police arrested four persons including two truck drivers and two cleaners for abducting a 24-year-old man from Sewree and throwing the victim from 35 ft tall Vakola flyover to his death.

The Vakola police had registered an accidental death case after it found the body of the deceased, Ashfaque Mujawar, on March 4. Mujawar went missing on March 3 night and next day his brother had lodged a missing person's complaint with the Sewree police. In his complaint, he suspected four persons had abducted his brother and provided their names and details.

"Working on the primary details, we laid a trap near Cotton Green on March 4 and nabbed four persons. Those arrested were Chhedilal Gaur, 30, a driver, Narayan Yadav, 22, cleaner, Shailesh Yadav, 9,cleaner and Dinesh Yadav, 24, driver. All the accused originally belong to Uttar Pradesh," said an officer from Sewree police station. Inspector Rehmatullah Sayyed is probing the case.

Sayyed said that after the Vakola police found the body, they flashed the deceased's photograph to all the police station for identification too. "During the interrogation the accused spilled the bean and stated that Mujawar, a boat labourer at the Docks, used to pick up fights with them frequently over parking of their trucks and cooking nearby. Many a times, he would be in good mood and had liquor with them. However, on March 3, when the two trucks were parked, he arrived their and had an argument with them, leading to an assault. The four accused assaulted him, dragged him to a truck and pushed him on the front seat.

They drove till Vakola flyover and during the journey kept hitting the deceased. By the time they reached the flyover, the deceased was in a bad shape and later they forcefully threw him from the flyover," said police. Since Mujawar's brother had given details about the suspect,it was easier for police to fix the line of investigation. The four persons have been remanded in police custody till March 10.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/followceleb.cms?alias=Vakola police,Sewree police,Chhedilal Gaur,Ashfaque Mujawar

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24 yr old kidnapped, thrown to death from flyover in Mumbai

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