What about women safety ? HC asks Maharshtra government

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 05 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Bombay high court on Thursday asked the State government whether it has considered the safety of women while proposing to allow "bars and pubs" to stay open all night.

The query came from a bench of Justice Abhay Oka and Justice Anil Menon when a suo motu public interest litigation on safety of women reached hearing just before the rising of the court for the day. "Whether State government has taken into consideration the safety of women ? " asked Justice Oka.

The bench pointed out that the term of the Dharmadhikari Committee, set up to suggest women-friendly recommendations, has expired. They questioned whether the State will " look into it or we'll ask the Committee to do so."

The government's advocate has been directed to take instructions and inform the court on March 12.

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