Scuffle between corporators and guards outside the BMC house

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 12 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Security guards stopped five suspended corporators to enter inside the special house organized to discuss H1N1 issue. There was minor scuffle between them.

The corporators demanded inquiry over the incident.

Surprisingly, there was no discussion over the H1N1 after the scuffle. Aditional municipal commissioner informed the house about the steps have been taken by the authority to deal H1N1.

The mayor had suspended five corporators on Monday after created ruckus in the house over BMC budget.

On Thursday, mayor had called special house to discuss H1N1.

The discuss started with the opposition's demand to revoke the suspension and there was uploar in the house as mayor informed the house that she would take decision over the issue on Friday. No healthy discussion took place for an hour.

There was 10 minutes break when the suspended corporators tried to enter inside the house.

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Scuffle between corporators and guards outside the BMC house

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