AAP demands probe into LED scam

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 20 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI : The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)-Maharashtra on Friday demanded swift action and a court monitored impartial enquiry by ACB/CBI into the alleged multi-thousand crore worth 'LED Scam'.

AAP was reacting to the scathing accusation of Shiv Sena as regards irregularities and rampant corruption that the BJP's Modi Govt and it's cabinet ministers indulged in, as part of a project involving the installation of LED Electric Bulbs in 100 cities across India including Mumbai.

The Shiv Sena has alleged that the contract was awarded to Energy Efficiency Service Ltd (EESL)-a Govt of India undertaking formed in 2009 but which was de-funct for all these years till it was awarded the contract by the Modi Govt in 2014.Pegging the scale of the scam to a humongous 25,000 Crores,the Shiv Sena also alleged that the company has no relevant work experience or capacity to manufacture LED bulbs and the same is being sub-contracted to others,wherein lie the irregularities.

These are serious and grave allegations,especially when it doesn't come from an opposition party but an alliance partner of the BJP in the Centre,State and Mumbai's Municipal Corporation."The Shiv Sena needs to decide whether it is a ruling or an opposition party,It cant be both.We have exposed BJP's nexus with contractors in the Irrigation Scam earlier and this LED scam seems to be no different.We demand a court monitored impartial enquiry by the CBI/ACB at the earliest.It is time that the BJP Govt both in the centre and state demonstrated political will to fight corruption",said Subhash Ware,Convenor,AAP Maharashtra.

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