Man with cirrhosis gets new life after sister, uncle donate liver

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 06 Februari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: A Jalgaon resident became the first patient in western India to undergo a dual lobe liver transplant, thanks to his sister and uncle donating parts of their liver to him.

Satish Sonawane (31), who has a utensils shop in Jalgaon, underwent the transplant at Global Hospital, Parel, on January 2 and was in the city for a check-up on Thursday. The first such transplant was done in Medanta Hospital, Gurgaon, a couple of years ago.

On Thursday, Satish, who was an alcoholic, said he would give up the habit. "Because of two of my family members, I have got a new lease of life and it would be shameful if I drink again," Sonawane said.

Sonawane's health problems began in October when he started getting breathless due to accumulation of water in his lungs, abdomen and legs. Dr Samir Shah, liver specialist at Global Hospital said, "He was suffering from cirrhosis, which is the last stage of chronic progressive liver disease. It not only causes hypertension, nutritional deficiency, jaundice but also prevents the liver from functioning normally."

Sonawane registered for a cadaveric liver transplant, but his condition worsened, forcing doctors to opt for a donation from a relative. As liver is the only organ of the body that re-grows, patients are given a portion of the donor's liver that grows to full size in 4 to 8 weeks.

This is when doctors hit another roadblock: Sonawane's weight. He weighed over 95 kg a few months ago and had reduced to 80 kg. Usually, a recipient needs a liver donation weighing up to 1% of his body weight. But both his uncle and sister, who were found to be his blood match, couldn't donate such huge portions of their livers. It was then decided to opt for a dual lobe liver transplant.

The surgery lasted for 15 hours and involved nine liver transplant surgeons, five anaesthetists and 20 technicians. The right lobe was harvested from his sister and the part of left lobe taken from his uncle.

Liver transplant surgeon Dr Ravi Mohanka, who was part of the surgery team, said, "In cases like this where the small size of the donor's liver becomes a challenge, dual lobe liver transplant is useful. The success of this procedure is a breakthrough, for many more patients with liver failure can be offered a life saving transplant in future." India,sister,Jalgaon resident,dual lobe liver transplant

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Man with cirrhosis gets new life after sister, uncle donate liver

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