BMC demolishes ramp outside Shah Rukh Khan's 'Mannat'

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: At 7am on Saturday, the BMC officials and police reached near film actor Shah Rukh Khan's bungalow 'Mannat' at Bandra West to demolish the ramp with one JCB and other machinery.

Vijay Kamble, assistant municipal commissioner of H West Ward, confirmed the demolition.

Locals said that the ramp was illegal and caused a hassle when they accessed the lane adjoining his house.

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Several letters were written to the BMC demanding the ramp be demolished. Recently MP Poonam Mahajan too had written to the BMC chief about it.

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On Saturday as demolition work was to begin, the area was barricaded. Several locals gathered in the area to see the long pending demolition.

On Thursday, the seven day notice given to the actor by the BMC to demolish the ramp ended.

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