HC upholds life term for woman who killed infant neighbour

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 09 Desember 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Twenty-two years after Pune resident Sunanda Gaikwad was arrested for strangling to death her neighbour's one-and-a-half-year-old daughter, who used to quarrel with her young son, the Bombay high court held her guilty of murder. The court said that she will have to go back to prison to serve her life imprisonment.

A division bench of Justice P V Hardas and Justice Girsh Kulkarni said that it was established "beyond reasonable doubt" that she had committed the child's murder. Besides her retracted confession, what went against Sunanda was her false defence that her husband who reported the crime, could have murdered the child Asrin.

The defence's contended that the motive for the crime — that Sunanda was annoyed with Asrin — was petty and was not sufficient to prove that she had committed the murder. "The evidence relating to motive, in our opinion, cannot be classified as a weak evidence," the judges said.

Sunanda, her husband Anil and minor son were Pune residents. Their neighbour, Aziz and Fiza's daughter Asrin used to come home to play. According to the police, the fights and quarrels between the children and their crying would anger Sunanda. On August 7, 1992, Asrin was playing in her house when Sunanda gagged her and strangled her to death and put her body in a steel barrel. It was two days later that Anil who noticed the body went to the police. The police found the body and recovered Asrin's silver trinkets from Sunanda.

A trial court in 1995 convicted Sunanda and sentenced her to life imprisonment. Sunanda, who was released on bail, challenged the verdict. Her lawyers claimed that Anil could have been the murderer, but the HC did not accept it, pointing out that he was not at home at the time of the incident.

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