‘No plastic flags for I-Day, R-Day celebrations’

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 09 Desember 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The state government has asked all schools and colleges to not use national flags made of plastic during Republic Day and Independence Day celebrations.

According to a government resolution (GR) issued by the school education department, it will be the institute's responsibility to not allow students to use national flags made of plastic under any circumstances. A similar GR has been issued by the higher and technical education department.

The school education department's GR also outlines a list of guidelines for the use of paper flags as well. "When using a paper flag, it must be given due respect. The flag must not be thrown on the road. If a flag is spotted on the road, one must pick it up and destroy is as per procedure," said the GR.

City schools are already avoiding plastic flags. "For the main function on both days, we use flags made from khadi. We will also start announcing in the morning assembly that students should not buy small plastic flags," said Anjali Deodhar, principal of BPM High School in Khar.

Schools and colleges have been asked to spread awareness about the proper use of flags. Principals plan to spread the word through competitions. "We supply small paper flags to students and teachers to discourage them from buying plastic ones. This time, we plan to ask students to write essays on the ill effects of using plastics," said Anjana Prakash, principal, Hansraj Morarji Public School, Andheri.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/followceleb.cms?alias=state government,Republic day,No plastic flags,Independence Day celebrations,awareness about the proper use of flags

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