Collectors to take action on illegal constructions in rural areas

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 06 Desember 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The district collector will be responsible for action against illegal constructions in rural areas. The state cabinet approved a proposal to amend the Maharashtra Regional Town Planning Act and the Gram Panchayat Act to put a stop to illegal constructions and to regularise those that meet with the government laid conditions.

The Gram panchayat will have powers to allow development within the gaothan area. Outside the gaothan, the collector will grant permissions. As part of decentralization the collector's powers to allow development will be delegated up to the tehsildar level. If the Gram Panchayat refuses to grant permission for development, the decision can be challenged before the town planner of the zilla parishad.

Like in urban areas, in rural areas too, the government will charge an offsite infrastructure development fee at the time of granting development permissions, said a government press release.

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Collectors to take action on illegal constructions in rural areas

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