‘TV ads still depict Chavan as CM’

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 03 Oktober 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Two lawyers from the city have lodged a complaint against former chief minister Prithviraj Chavan with the chief electoral officer.

In the complaint, a copy of which is with TOI, lawyers Sachin Thorat and Nayyim Shaikh, said Chavan is airing campaign advertisements on channels using the title of chief minister although he no longer holds the post.

The advertisement shows Chavan signing documents as the chief minister, the lawyers said. They have submitted a clip of the advertisements to the chief electoral officer as evidence and sent a copy to the Election Commission.

"There is no Congress-NCP government in the state after the alliance folded up. There is President's rule in the state, but still the election advertisements being aired on television claim that Prithviraj Chavan is the state's chief minister of the state. It is a violation of model code of conduct," Thorat said.

Chavan could not be reached for his comment but Congress office-bearers maintained that the advertisement was shot when Chavan was still the chief minister and he cannot be blamed. "The written complaint has been lodged with the CEO and we have demanded action against the former chief minister," Shaikh said.

"The advertisement with false claims is being run on channels. This is not expected from a highly educated person with such a long political career," he added.


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