11 shops robbed in Virar

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 08 Agustus 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Unknown persons broke into 11 shops in Virar on Thursday night.

The break-ins were reported from Khanivade, Shirsad and other areas near the Mumbai-Ahmedabad national highway at Virar.

The thefts came to light on Friday morning. Shopkeepers and locals gathered in large numbers to protest against the mass break-ins.

The shopkeepers blamed the lack of police patrolling for the thefts. The bad streetlights only gave an added advantage for the thieves, said the shopkeepers.

Mobile phones and other electronic items were stolen.

A case of theft and break in has been registered by Virar police.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/followceleb.cms?alias=Virar police,shops robbed in Virar,shops in Virar

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