Women group demands uniform law to curb harassment

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 03 Januari 2013 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Maharashtra governor K Sankaranarayanan on Thursday expressed serious concern over the incidents of crime against women, particularly against minor girls. Terming the situation as "very sad", the governor called for stricter implementation of the existing laws and early dispensation of justice.

"We don't want justice to be delayed. If justice is delayed, people lose their faith in the system," the governor remarked. He also stressed the need for parents to educate children about respecting women.

The governor was speaking to members of the Help Mumbai Foundation at Raj Bhavan. The representatives of the NGO told the governor that there is no uniform law in India to curb eve-teasing effectively in educational institutions, places of worship and other public places. The delegation pointed out that there were 3794 cases of molestation and 1071 cases of eve-teasing/sexual harassment registered in Maharashtra in the year 2011 alone.

At least 80% of women facing molestation or sexual harassment from men do not register a complaint with police due to various reasons, said members. Mentioning that 27,787 molestation cases and 8,436 cases of sexual harassment were still pending trial in Maharashtra, the delegation demanded enactment of a law prohibiting harassment of women by the Maharashtra legislature.

The delegation demanded capital punishment for the rape convicts, setting of fast-track courts to try all crimes against women, steps to enhance conviction rate in cases of crime against women, implementation of the Justice Dharmadhikari Committee Report appointed by the state government to suggest measures to check atrocities against women; and making the state women's rights commission and state human rights commission fully functional.

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Women group demands uniform law to curb harassment

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