Food distribution, not shortage to blame for India's food insecurity

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 21 Desember 2012 | 22.23

If you are one of those who believe that the shortage of food is to blame for India's rampant malnutrition problem, it is time to do a rethink. Food and trade policy analyst Devinder Sharma who was in Mumbai on Friday carefully cut through the maze of data to explain the root of India's food security issues.

He explained that we live in paradoxical times, and that it wasn't the shortage of food but the lack of a proper food distribution network that was to blame. In America he pointed out, food was currently the biggest killer with 62% of people diagnosed as being clinically obese, while India lay at the other end of the spectrum with 62% of people remaining hungry. "There are more weight loss clinics in America than ration shops in India," he said.

Of India's 1.2 billion, an estimated 320 million people go to bed hungry. But this too isn't for the want of food, given that India produced a surplus of 82.3 million tonnes of crops as of June 2012. Bulk of this however lies rotting in warehouses run by the Food Corporation of India. "We are told that we need to increase production, but that's not where the problem lies," he pointed out.

Sharma criticised many of the government's food security policies in terms of putting a cap on produrement from farmers, pointing out that it would cause distress sales among farmers. He also explained that the government planned to trade food surplus in the forwards trading market which essentially means using food as a commercial product than using it to feed the poor.

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Food distribution, not shortage to blame for India's food insecurity

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