Dacoits try to run over cops in Virar, get nabbed after chase

Written By Unknown on Senin, 09 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Four dacoits who tried to run over two policemen on a motorbike were arrested by the Virar police after a chase in the wee hours of Monday.

The police had a tip-off of a dacoity in a residential building on Jeevdani Road, Virar (east). Two policemen on a motorbike approached the building and found the dacoits in a car. When asked to stop, the driver of the car tried to run over the cops on the bikes. The policemen fell off the bike and the dacoits fled in the car. The two policemen contacted their counterparts at the newly opened Tuling police station in Nalasopara (east). The cops from Tuling reached Manvelpada in Virar (east) and chased the car.

The police intercepted the car and arrested Datta Kshirsagar (38), Parshuram Chowdhary (32) Uttam Patil (30) and Arfan Mullah (27). They were booked under sections 307 (attempt to murder) and 399 (attempt to commit dacoity) of the IPC and have been remanded to police custody. Police said that Kshirsagar has several cases of dacoity against him. He operates in the Thane and Palghar belts.

The policemen sustained minor injuries and were treated in a local hospital.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/followceleb.cms?alias=Virar police,Jeevdani Road,Dacoits

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Dacoits try to run over cops in Virar, get nabbed after chase

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