Cyber legal eagles to review IT sections

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Following the SC verdict scrapping section 66A of the Information Technology Act, cyber law advocates and activists will meet soon to review its other provisions.

On Monday , a meeting will be held at the Public Policy Research Work Centre, New Delhi, to look at other sections as well as procedural provisions which may prove to be either a stumbling block or still disproportionately harsh in dealing with offences they seek to prevent. Advocate N S Nappinai from Mumbai will highlight provisions which still need to be reviewed, like section 66F which deals with cyber terrorism and some civil provisions to give recognition to electron ic contracts. Also likely to be discussed is whether section 67 should be made bailable. At present, any pornographic image or messages that may be construed obscene can land one in jail for up to five years if held guilty . Activists are battling to make it bailable on the grounds that it can be misused as obscene is not defined.

Vijay Mukhi, a cyber expert, cautioned that the "internet is the most lawless place in the world'' and laws need to be in place to check criminal actions online. "People should not be sent to jail for making fun of the high and mighty . If the Act is being misused, people who misuse it must be punished."--Swati Deshpande sections,IT Act,Cyber legal eagles,criminal actions online

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