NGO Jan Manch files a complaint against irregularities in Vidarbha Irrigation Development projects

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 26 Februari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: NGO Jan Manch on Thursday filed a complaint before the Superintendent of Police, Anti Corruption Bureau, Nagpur, pertaining to corruption and irregularities in irrigation projects of Vidarbha Irrigation Development Corporation.

The group said it submitted 3134 pages in 12 volumes in relation to single tender contract.

The first complaint is a 'case study' of irregularities in awarding of tender. The NGO said it scrutinized tender documents and found ''massive irregularities''. ''This indicates conspiracy, cheating and collusion between officials and contractors,'' it said. Based on this case study, the NGO urged the police to conduct an investigation.

Some of the prominent observations made by Jan Manch are -

a) The tender estimates are exorbitant.

Tender authorities manipulated the original cost estimate after receiving bids in such a way that the quote was restricted within 5%. If the bid would have been over 5% then approval of Finance Department was necessary. In order to avoid the scrutiny from Finance Department in Mantralaya and sanction at level of VIDC in Nagpur the cost estimates were inflated.


Original Estimates- Rs 100
Contractor's Quote- Rs 125
Percentage terms- above 25% of the Original Estimates
Original Estimates escalated on frivolous grounds to Rs 120
Comparing Contractor's quote with Revised Estimates i.e. Rs 120 & Rs 125
Final Quote of Contractor to Revised Estimates in Percentage terms- 4.16%

b) The bidders did not have adequate experience to comply the minimum quantity criteria of various construction items viz. excavation, embankment. Despite this fact found in tender documents submitted, evaluation committee chose to turn blind eye. Instead it deviated from the stipulated conditions to benefit favored contractors'

c) The successful bidders of contract did not have adequate bid capacity to be eligible for quoting the tender. The bidders had concealed the actual facts and misled VIDC.
d) There was no merit in the bidding process instead it was severely rigged process. The bid participants had formed cartel amongst themselves. It also involved participation of shadow firms, which eliminated the 'element of secrecy' and 'competition'. The letter pads of various shadow companies had similar details.

''These instances are acts of cheating, fraud, and criminal conspiracy by bidding companies and officials of VIDC. At this stage, the Complainant can share no specific details, as there is a possibility that evidences may be tampered,'' it said.

The Maharashtra irrigation scam was first exposed by TOI in 2012. Whistle-blower Vijay Pandhare, who worked in the irrigation department, had claimed that half the Rs 70,000 crore spent over the last decade was either wasted on dud projects or siphoned off by the politician-contractor nexus. Irrigation Development projects,NGO Jan Manch,Anti Corruption Bureau

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NGO Jan Manch files a complaint against irregularities in Vidarbha Irrigation Development projects

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