Former CIC demands consultation on proposed Right to Services

Written By Unknown on Senin, 09 Februari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Former Central Information Commissioner Shailesh Gandhi has demanded public consultation on the proposed Right to Services Act.

Gandhi in his suggestions to the government has said that the time frame for implementation of the bill has been left completely vague.

''The issue of what services will be covered and time is left for a future notification. The bill must apply to all services mentioned in the citizens charter which has been mandated in Act 21 of 2006. The amount of penalty to be levied is not specified. Specific minimum and maximum penalties must be mentioned,'' he said.

Gandhi said a time of 90 days for first appellate authority and 90 days for second appellate authority has been provided for disposal. Hence a decision may be obtained after six months if service has not been provided. This should be made 30 and 45 days respectively.

He said the Act together with the Transfers and Delays Act 21 of 2006 will be a comprehensive framework for ensuring accountability to citizens.

"Act 21 of 2006 promised citizen's charters in all departments which would be reviewed each year and it also made a commitment that all decisions on files would be made within 45 days; in cases where multiple departments are involved the time limit was 90 days. This also commits the government to work in a time bound manner. Thus whether it is a proposal moved by a department or an application, representation or complaint by a citizen no decision can linger for over 45/90 days. The Act requires an enquiry being conducted within 15 days in case of violation of the time limit and appropriate disciplinary action to be taken where necessary,'' he said. Gandhi,Right to Services Act,CIC

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Former CIC demands consultation on proposed Right to Services

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