Shrinks to peek into Arif Majeed’s mind

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 03 Desember 2014 | 22.23

NEW DELHI: NIA is preparing to engage the services of clinical psychiatrists to get into the mind of ArifMajeed and help de-radicalize him. The effort is in tune with the government's resolve to wean away youth attracted to jihadi terror and help those who wish to return to normal life.

Home ministry sources said the agency is planning to hire a clinical psychiatrist to talk to Majeed and asses the state of his mid. The expert will also provide him counselling and help him understand the futility of the misplaced idea of a "holy war".

Majeed, who left for Iraq in May and had been fighting alongside ISIS since, is already upset with the Islamic militia for the shoddy treatment it gave him and his three friends. Despite being a civil engineer, Majeed was made to work as a mason on dams. He had to even clean toilets and cook for ISIS cadres. After he was injured, he was ignored by the ISIS.

The home ministry is of the opinion that those who want to mend their ways must be given all help. Sources said that despite getting a reality check in Iraq and Syria, Majeed turned out to be hardcore fundamentalist who believes the ISIS is engaged in a holy war and that he was only doing god's work.

"It is only after the assessment of his state of mind that any de-radicalization can happen. He has to be willing to reform," an official said.

Though an FIR has been filed, the government is considering taking a lenient view of those ISIS recruits who cooperate with investigations and quit terrorism.

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