PIL filed against rail fare hikes; HC to hear it on Tuesday

Written By Unknown on Senin, 23 Juni 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The Bombay high court will hear a couple of Public Interest Litigation (PIL) on Tuesday against the new hiked rail fares.

Mumbai Grahak Panchayat, a consumer interest group, filed a PIL on Monday. Shirish Deshpande of MGP said the PIL focuses on an urgent interim relief against the huge hike in season tickets for suburban commuters. There will be a demand for interim protection or a stay against such a steep hike which is pegged at over 180 percent of the present fare.

The other PIL is by Ketan Tirodkar a former journalist who has sought a roll back on the hike. "The suburban trains are the lifeline for nearly 20 million people in Mumbai and near by areas. The three lines--Western, Central and Harbour ferry over 70 lakh people daily,'' Tirodkar's PIL said adding that the revised fares, effective June 25 would make a second class monthly season costing Rs 85, now cost Rs 150. The new rates are potentially financially crippling for the common people, he said. A first class monthly season pass worth Rs 795 would soon cost Rs 1930.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/followceleb.cms?alias=Ketan Tirodkar,journalist

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PIL filed against rail fare hikes; HC to hear it on Tuesday

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