Man held for having unnatural sex with daughter

Written By Unknown on Senin, 02 Juni 2014 | 22.23

ULHASNAGAR: A 23-year-old man was arrested on Monday for allegedly making unnatural sex with his three-year-old stepdaughter in Ulhasnagar.

The incident took place on Sunday late night but case was lodge on Monday afternoon, after which police managed to arrest the accused.

The accused identified as Santosh Lokhande. Hill Line police said on Sunday night, Lokhande asked her wife to bring Chinese food from a hotel situated in area, and after she went to shop, the accused allegedly made unnatural sex with victim forcefully.

When victim's mother came back, she found her daughter crying. Later victim's mother threaten to file complaint but accused threatened to kill both.

However on Monday morning, victim explained entire incident to her neighbour friend who then took both mother and daughter to police and made victim mother to file complaint.

D R Dhopaokar, senior police Inspector of Hill Line police station, "After getting complaint we sent our team and managed to arrest the accused" .

Police said accused work as labour in city and he was living with victim's mother as husband since last two years.

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Man held for having unnatural sex with daughter

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