BMC officials back at Campa Cola to convince residents

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: BMC officials returned to the Campa Cola site on Saturday to try to convince the residents to allow them to cut off power and water to the illegal flats. They have reiterated that they plan to use no force against the residents.

The civic body's attempts to cut off power and water were thwarted by residents yesterday who barricaded gates and stopped civic officials and police from entering the compound.

On Saturday, the BMC officials held a meeting with the police before proceeding to the compound. However, no police teams accompanied civic officials.

Residents said they won't budge and shut down the gates again; havan was also restarted in an attempt to stop the BMC officials.

BMC had on Friday registered a FIR against the residents of the compound for obstructing its officials from doing their duty.

READ ALSO: Complaint filed against defiant residents of Campa Cola complex flats,Civic officials,Campa Cola case,BMC officials

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BMC officials back at Campa Cola to convince residents

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