Opposition parties in Mumbai civic body demand CID inquiry into revenue loss pointed out by CAG

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The opposition parties in the Brihanmimbai Municipal Corporation have came down heavily on the ruling Shiv Sena-BJP allaince and the civic administration over the strictures passed in the latest Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) report over various discrepancies in cost variations in road contracts. They have demanded a CID inquiry into allegations of BMC spending an additional Rs 702 crore into the road projects.

The CAG report states that though the permissible cost variation is only 15 per cent, the norms were violated in 59 of the total 88 road contracts leading to the costs going up by nearly `702 crore. The report further says that variations in the cost of cement concrete roads went up by 62 per cent, while that of asphalt roads saw an increase of 57 per cent. The increase in the project cost due to the variation has resulted in the civic body spending Rs 469.09 crore for cement concrete and Rs 233.22 crore for asphalt roads. Calling it a waste of taxpayer's money, the opposition parties have demanded that an inquiry should be held by the CID into the matter.

Opposition leader Dnyanraj Nikam from Congress said, "It is a big scam and needs to be probed thoroughly. We will rake up this issue in the civic house and want CID inquiry into it. It should also be probed under which corporators and MLAs pressure, the additional project works were taken."

MNS group leader Rais Shaikh alleged that the ruling Sena-BJP alliance is involved in corruption over these projects. "The CAG had procured this information a month before the civic elections. The CAG report has vindicated what we have been repeatedly saying over the irregularities in road projects. We have written a letter to the civic chief demanding a CID inquiry into the matter," said the Samajwadi Party group leader Rais Shaikh.

However, denying all allegations, Shiv Sena has said there are no discrepancies in the civic road projects. House leader Yashodhar Phanse said, "We are ready for any kind of inquiry. Had there been a corruption in the BMC, people would not have elected us for the consecutive forth term. Even the probes held earlier have not thrown up anything significant."

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Opposition parties in Mumbai civic body demand CID inquiry into revenue loss pointed out by CAG

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