Has night-life policy figured women safety? : Maharashtra to tell HC

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 14 April 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI : The Maharashtra government is expected to tell the Bombay High Court on Wednesday whether its policy decision to allow bars, pubs and restaurants to remain open all night in Mumbai has considered the impact of safety of women.

On March 13, the HC had restrained the government from implementing its proposed decision unless it satisfies the court that it has conducted an impact study on the safety of women.

The court is hearing two public interest litigation including one taken up spontaneously after a woman was molested on a train between Nerul and Juinagar stations in the wee hours of June 19, 2011.

The government was granted time of three weeks to file reply including informing if it will entrust the Dharmadhikari committee, which was set up to suggest women-friendly recommendations, to look into the entire issue.

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Has night-life policy figured women safety? : Maharashtra to tell HC

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