Crime branch to question builder in extortion case

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 08 April 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The city crime branch is gearing up to question a builder from south Mumbai and his son for using underworld connections to settle a property deal at a throwaway price. Last week, the property cell of the city crime branch arrested two persons, namely Tariq Siddiqui and Abdullah Ahmed alias Baba, for threatening Zulfikar Shaikh, the partner of Sagar hotel at Nagpada. The builder from Nagpada-Agripada, who is known by his lucky number, and his son recently called Shaikh for a meeting to discuss a property at Sutarwala chawl. Shaikh has around 8,300-sq ft space on the ground floor of the property the builder wants to redevelop. "Almost all others have agreed for the redevelopment except Shaikh, who objected to the price offered," said an officer.— S Ahmed Ali Shaikh

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