Central government yet to issue final notification for SGNP green zone

Written By Unknown on Senin, 13 April 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The Union ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) has notified an Eco-Sensitive Zone (ESZ) up to 12 sq km around the Vidarbha Tiger Reserve but has not given the final notification for expansion of the zones around Sanjay Gandhi National Park and Karnala Bird Sanctuary. Currently, a 10-sqkm radius around the park and sanctuary are notified as ESZs, and pending the final notification, developmental activities can continue on the non-declared zone with permissions.

The state government had written to the Centre to notify ESZ around 47 wildlife parks and sanctuaries, including the Sanjay Gandhi National Park and the Karnala Bird Sanctuary.

In its notification, the MoEF notified an area of up to 12 sqkm from the boundary of Nagzira Wild life Sanctuary, New Nagzira Wild life Sanctuary, Koka Wild life Sanctuary, Navegaon Wildlife Sanctuary and Navegaon National Park as part of the Navegaon-Nagzira Tiger Reserve ESZ.

The state government has been directed to prepare a zonal master plan within two years in consultation with locals. The tiger conservation plan will then be taken into consideration.

The notification has immediately prohibited new mining, stone quarrying and crushing units in the ESZ, as well as setting up new or expansion of polluting industries, major hydro-electric projects, discharge of effluents, laying of high tension lines within 500m of the boundary of the sanctuaries. It has also banned expansion of saw mills.

No new commercial hotel, construction or resort will be permitted within 1km of the boundary of the zone. Bio-gas and solar light units will be permitted. Only non-polluting, non-hazardous, small-scale and service industry, agriculture, floriculture and horticulture, which do not affect environment will be permitted, states the notification.

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Central government yet to issue final notification for SGNP green zone

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