Woman dies after getting trapped in lift

Written By Unknown on Senin, 23 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: A 23-year-old woman was killed after getting stuck in the lift of a housing society at Malad East on Sunday night. The woman, Alia Waralia, was stepping into the lift on the ground floor of the building when it suddenly started to move upwards. Her head was crushed as she got dragged. Her mother, who was waiting to enter the lift after her, witnessed the incident. She raised an alarm and summoned residents who helped to extricate Alia.

Residents said Alia was taken to a private hospital in Malad East where doctors pronounced her dead. The doctors then informed the Kurar police. Alia's body was sent for a post-mortem examination. A case of accidental death was registered.

Kurar police officials said the lift would be examined by lift inspectors. Based on a report submitted by them, the police would take action. Alia was to tie the knot next month and had gone to the society to make inquiries for mehndi.

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