Maharashtra minister addresses children with revolver tucked under belt

Written By Unknown on Senin, 30 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Maharashtra's water resource minister Girish Mahajan, who came in for criticism for attending a school function with revolver tucked in his waist, has said that it was business as usual for him and he was carrying the revolver for last 25 years.

"From last 25 years I keep a revolver," Girish Mahajan was quoted as saying by ANI. "I admit that revolver was visible. But never have I pointed a revolver, or gotten involved in violence of any kind in my life."

Earlier, the minister Girish Mahajan came in for criticism for attending a hearing and speech impaired children's event with his revolver tucked in his waist, which was very much visible to everyone.

The incident occurred in Jalgaon city on Saturday during an event held for distribution of educational material to the students.

The minister has a weapons licence. Leader of opposition in legislative council Dhananjay Munde said: "The minister should know what sort of example he is setting for the kids by brazenly displaying his weapon.''

(With inputs from agencies)

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