IITians' 2nd Mars rover a hit at fest

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Almost two years after completing the first Mars rover, Mars Society India, which is based at IIT-Bombay, has come up with a second hi-tech one. Both are on display at the Innovation Festival organized by the Nehru Science Centre at Worli. The programme is open till Sunday between 10am and 5pm.

Work on the second rover was initiated in December and completed 10 days ago.

Both rovers were attracting a lot of interest among visitors to the festival, particularly schoolkids who are vying with each other to get their pictures clicked with the devices.

Though the second rover is more sophisticated than the first one, it costs less. While the first rover cost Rs 8 lakh, the second one is Rs 6 lakh.

Pranav Bende of the rover project told TOI that even the mass of the second one has been reduced. "The mass of the first one was 75 kg while the new one is 50 kg," he said.

The IITians are planning to participate in the 2015 University Rover Challenge organized by the Mars Society at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah, US.

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