Have you implemented scheme for vulnerable kids ? - HC asks Maharashtra govt

Written By Unknown on Senin, 23 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI : Bombay High Court on Monday directed the State government to inform it within two weeks of the steps it has taken to implement a Centre-sponsored scheme for the protection of children in vulnerable positions.

A bench of Justice V M Kanade and Justice A R Joshi heard a public interest litigation by Jaya Guliani , an advocate, about the non-implementation of the August 13, 2010 memorandum of understanding the government had signed with the Centre for implementing the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS). Under the MoU, the government within three months was to set up State Child Protection Society, State Adoption Resource Agency , Juvenile Justice Board and child welfare committees in each district and special juvenile police units and designate a child welfare officer in each police station.

Guiliani's advocate Chetan Mali told a bench of Justice V M Kanade and Justice A R Joshi that the MoU has to be implemented. "State of Maharashtra is primarily responsible for implementing the scheme,'' the bench said. It directed the State to file an affidavit within two weeks. It also sought to know in what manner the funds for the scheme has been utilized.

Guiliani's petition said very young children, including months old babies, are found begging on streets, trains, railway platform begging or selling some products due to economic reasons. Her petition said there are adequate schemes of the government such as ICPS and Mid-day Meal which if implemented properly would ensure that the children get pre-primary education as also substantial nutrition.

Guiliani also sought direction to the police to conduct regular anti-child begging raids in Mumbai.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/followceleb.cms?alias=vulnerable kids,Integrated Child Protection Scheme,Bombay high court

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Have you implemented scheme for vulnerable kids ? - HC asks Maharashtra govt

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