Girls rescued from dingy room in bar at Mira road

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: A police raid on a bar on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad national highway in Mira Road found young girls being locked up in a dingy room to entertain customers.

The local crime branch of Thane rural police on Friday night raided 'Night Lovers' bar at Kashimira after getting a tip-off that the bar owners were indulging in flesh trade. The police found seven girls locked in a dingy room that would pass off as a store room. The girls looked suffocated in the dark, non-airy room, said the police.

The girls had to stay put in the rooms till there was a customer making a demand for sex. The girls would be called one at a time and would be paraded before the customer. They would then have to return to the room and stay inside till bar closing hours. The police rescued the girls and arrested four persons, including the owner and manager of the bar. They have been remanded to police custody.

While dance bars are banned in Maharashtra, a number of bars and lodges that have mushroomed on the national highway double up as pick-up joints. A number of them operate as orchestra bars where girls dance and sing but customers have to keep a safe distance.,police,girls,Bar,arrest

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Girls rescued from dingy room in bar at Mira road

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