Businessman, wife gift Rs 140cr to Parsi General Hospital

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The decline in the Parsi population coupled with increasing migration of the minority community to the suburbs has led to a marked decrease in the number of patients treated at the Bomanjee Dinshaw Petit Parsee General Hospital, which has been serving underprivileged sections of the community for over a century.

To keep up with escalating medical costs, the hospital's management committee has decided to build a state-of-the-art, 200-bed, multi-disciplinary hospital to cater to the general population on the same Breach Candy plot. The profits earned by the new facility will sustain the existing hospital, which will continue to serve the community.

A Parsi couple, based in Hong Kong, Jal and Pervin Shroff, will fund this new facility to the tune of $22.5 million (Rs 140 crore), of which $2.5 million (Rs 15.57 crore) has been earmarked for the oncology department.

"This hospital will serve the underprivileged as well as the cosmopolitan population of Mumbai and its surrounding areas," explains the hospital's press release. "Upon the new hospital becoming functional, the underprivileged sections of the Parsi Zoroastrian community will be able to avail of the "state-of-the-art" diagnostic facilities at affordable prices on the campus of the Parsi General Hospital itself."

Jal Shroff is the co-founder of Fossil, an accessories company best known for its watches. According to a 2011 article in the community magazine, Parsiana, Shroff joined his father's business after studying at the London School of Economics. In 1984, he founded Fossil with a business partner, who would sell the timepieces Shroff supplied in the US. "Jal views himself as a religious Zoroastrian who wears his sudreh-kusti regularly," says the Parsiana article. His wife, Pervin, started the Healing Circle, which offers studies in yoga and meditation. She also helps cancer patients cope with their illness through meditation and visualisation. TOI was unable to reach the Shroffs for a comment.

"One of the conditions attached to this grant is that the donors will have the exclusive right to name the new hospital building and the oncology department," adds the press release by the hospital.

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Businessman, wife gift Rs 140cr to Parsi General Hospital

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