Auto driver held for rape in Mumbai

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 10 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: A 30-year old auto-rickshaw driver who kidnapped a five year old girl from Sahar area in Andheri and took her to a remote place in Arey colony at Goregaon, raped and abandoned her, was arrested by the city crime branch on Tuesday. Police said that they are likely to conduct the dna test of the accused to find out if he has previously committed such heinous crime in the suburbs.

A small clue from the cctv footage that the autorickshaw used in the crime had a yellow hood and its registeration number was also too blurred, yet the crime branch succeeded in tracking down it driver identified as Shivkumar Rana (30). Rana, a native of Jharkhand who stays in MIDC slums in Andheri along with wife and a kid, had shifted to Mumbai in 2011.

On 1, a police constable Prakash Varange who was passing by on his motorbike, heard the cries of the victim girl who was profusely bleeding. He immediately rushed her to the Cooper hospital and during medical examination it was found that the victim was sexually assaulted. Police said had Varange not acted the victim would have died or may have been eaten by wild animals. Victim told police that she had gone out of the house to buy milk when accused lured her and than forced her into his auto and took her to remote place and sexually molested her said inspector Gopika Jagirdar..

Varange registered a complaint of rape against unidentified persons with the Aarey sub-police station and circulated the girl's photo among his policemen friends in an attempt to trace her and during inquiries it transpired that victim girl was from Sahar area where her parents had filed a missing complaint.'' Said KNN Prasanna, Additional commissioner of police.(crime).

Mumbai police commissioner Rakesh Maria had put atleast four to five special teams including crime branch to crack the case after the opposition had raised this question in the assembly on Monday. Police said that the first they collected the cctv footages of a nearby petrol pump, three to four tea stalls, two country liquor bar and two private buildings.

In all the footages the same yellow hood rickshaw was found but its number plate could be read as the number plate had a radium strip which was causing a reflection. However we started zeroing the auto drivers who had a yellow hood autos.''said Sunil Deshmukh, assistant commissioner of police.

After scrutining around more than 500 to 600 autos police zeroed in 100 and than started inquiries regarding their wherabouts through the call detail reports (cdr) and from them zeroed in ten of them and on sustain interrogations accused Shivkumar Rana admitted to his crime said Rajwardhan Sinha, additional commissioner of police. Lastly police said that sketch given by the victim too matched with the accused.

Following learning from the investigating team that the number plate of the accused's auto rickshaw could not be read in the cctv footages due to reflection caused by a decorative radium sticker put on the number plate, Mumbai police commissioner Rakesh Maria on Tuesday have directed the RTOs and the traffic police to take stick action against those decorative and stylish number plates which are not easily readable. Deshmukh,Prakash Varange,Mumbai Police,Auto driver held for rape

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