39 children rescued from leather tanning units in south Mumbai area

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 06 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Thirty-nine children in the age group between ten and fifteen who were forced to work in leather tanning units in Agripada and Dongri in South Mumbai were rescued in two separate raids by the police on Thursday.

Acting on the specific tip off, the Agripada police on late Thursday night raided a leather tanning unit at Agripada and arrested Vijay Prasad, the manager of the leather tanning unit at Barucha road and rescued 34 children. These children were made to cut leather, sew and punch leather jackets, purse, waist belts etc. In another raid the Dongri police rescued 5 children working in tin pressing unit at Dongri. Police have arrested Hussain Surti under the laws of child labour act.

''All children were rescued and send to Dongri remand home and from there they will be handing them to their parents. We are also planning to take action on parents who are forcing their minor children in child labour.'' Said an officer.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/followceleb.cms?alias=south Mumbai,Dongri,Agripada

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39 children rescued from leather tanning units in south Mumbai area

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