Uber sets up local incident response team for cabs

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 07 Februari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: In wake of the Delhi rape horror, Uber has set up a dedicated local incident response team in Mumbai.

The team will oversee and respond to incidents against property and person reported by riders and will also receive a notification (in addition to the local police) when the in-app panic button is pressed by the passenger on the Uber mobile app.

"This specialized team has completed an extensive training programme by our US safety experts and will be reachable 24x7. They will also assist local law enforcement officers during distress situations," said Shailesh Sawlani, Uber general manager (Mumbai operations). He further stated : ""It is the industry's firm belief that the local police whose civic duty is to maintain law and order, are best equipped and authorised to respond to situations that demand enforcement. As technology companies, Uber or others in this space are not authorized (unlike the police), staffed or trained to enforce law and order when the situation demands.

"That is why, we go a step further and focus our efforts on providing law enforcement agencies with all the information (complete trip details including driver and vehicle information), they need to act swiftly and effectively during emergencies," he added.

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