International artist Parama to hold an exhibition in the city

Written By Unknown on Senin, 23 Februari 2015 | 22.23

He is a foreign artist but grew up in a Hindu community not far from Florence, Italy and that reflects in this work too. Parama (Paolo Libralesso) fuses European classicism with Oriental philosophies.

The location of the place where he grew up in Italy was an important XVI century mansion, called the Villa Vrindavana. The building housed a collection of symbols and elements from the Vedic culture, embedded in the spatial severity of the Italian Renaissance.

His childhood was spent in the absolute Hindu universe as his days passed praying in Sanskrit and having as heroes, Indian mythological models, such as Hanuman as Arjuna.

Such a voyage was instrumental to his growth and through the roots of his childhood they forever keep resonating within him. This particular environment generated a dramatic effect on his imagination, and forged the imprint of his inner world. He lived in a bubble whose reflections revealed fragments of a distant and ancient culture.

Parama graduated with a classical Italian art training in Florence, Italy. After which, he moved to Venice where he mastered the traditional techniques of oil painting. From there on, Parama has been working as a fine artist. In an exclusive chat, the artist spoke to us about his work and India connect.

His India Connect

Parama Libralesso's connection with India began at the age of 6 when he entered a Hare Krishna community situated in the Chianti region of Italy. By the age of 7, he was renamed Parama Isvara-Dasa. His days were spent surrounded by the walls of a XVI century Italian Villa, amongst a community fully converted to Vaishnavism. There he attended a full time Gurukula; his studies concentrated on the great hindu texts such as the Vedas, Puranas and Bhagavad Gita.

The bridge thus formed between an Italian environnement and a Hindu culture. As he recalls - "A multitude of figures dressed in saris and lungis speckled the Italian gardens of the Villa, just as the scent of ghee and spices infused the air among the vineyards and century-old olive trees."

"My life is the illustration of what has happened, inserting a drop of India in a Italian," he says.

Parama's work

"I lived inside a bubble whose reflections revealed fragments of a distant and ancient culture...this particular condition in which I was raised generated a dramatic effect on my imagination," he says. His work illustrates this cultural melting pot of worlds mixing and melting into one another. With the precision and quality of an Italian he stirs the Indian mythology to form masterpieces based on extensive research on the subjects as he demonstrates the vast Indian heritage.

Breath of Creation - Inspiration

Shiva, the Lord of integration. Amalgamating opposing aspects, He is the Protector, as well the Destructor; He is the most passionate lover such as He is also, the perfect Yogi. He teaches us, through rhythm that there lies a right moment for each circumstance. A breath for inhalation, a moment for exhalation. The breath of creation is thus his own rhythm, an expansion and a contraction.

Future Projects

Ideas are not a problem for me, which to choose is generally the question ... currently, bigger permanent projects and installations are in the process for India, none of which I may reveal at the moment. What I may say is, my next gathering will be found on the other side of the world, in the Big Apple of New York.

Art scene in India

India is an extremely dynamic and powerful country, and this is highly reflected through its art scene. A lot happens and much more can happen, as there is still so much space for creativity. I have met extraordinary intellectual honesty amongst the Indian artists. All of this, based upon the solid foundations of tradition within the country.

The exhibition 'The Breath of Creation', will be on at Gallery Art & Soul on Feb 17 - Mar 1, Mon - Sat 10am to 7.30pm, Sun 11am - 4pm at 1 Madhuli, Shivsagar Estate, Worli.

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International artist Parama to hold an exhibition in the city

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International artist Parama to hold an exhibition in the city

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