Bariatric surgery has positive & negative effects on pregnancy

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 26 Februari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: In recent years, bariatric or weight-loss surgeries have emerged as an alternative treatment for patients with hypertension, diabetes and infertility. But little has been found about its effect on pregnancies: does it ensure safe pregnancy and a healthy baby?

Now, a study published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine on Thursday suggests that bariatric surgery has both a positive and negative influence on the risk of complications during subsequent pregnancy and delivery. Conducted by Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, the study suggests that such pregnancies should be viewed as ``risky'' and the mother-to-be be watched closely.

It is known that some women with obesity find it difficult to get pregnant, and, if they do, they have a higher risk of developing complications. The Swedish study found that there is a sharp rise in the number of women becoming pregnant after bariatric surgery; in 2013 almost 8,000 such operations were performed in Sweden, 80 % of which were on women.

The study's lead author Kari Johansson used data from Swedish health registries and identified 596 pregnancies to women who had given birth after bariatric surgery between 2006 and 2011. ``These pregnancies were then compared with 2,356 pregnancies to women who had not been operated upon but who had the same body mass index (BMI, weight divided by height squared) as the first group prior to surgery,'' said the study.

Johansson found was that the women who had undergone surgery were much less likely to develop gestational diabetes (2% compared to 7%) and give birth to large babies. On the other hand, the operated women were twice as likely to give birth to babies who were small for gestational age, and the pregnancies were also of shorter duration. She concluded that women who undergo bariatric surgery should be given special care during pregnancy. surgeries,Karolinska Institutet,infertility,hypertension,Body Mass Index

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Bariatric surgery has positive & negative effects on pregnancy

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