Abusive caller nabbed

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 08 Februari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: A 19 year old boy who used to call up the main control room and abuse the policewomen was arrested by the Azad Maidan police on Sunday.

Mohammed Mustaq Shaikh, a resident of Govandi was arrested under the various IPC sections of outraging the modesty of woman and passing gesture to insult the modesty of woman. Sources said that annually they get around 50 to 60 hoax and abusive calls. After repeated inconvenience caused to control room personnel due to abusive calls, the Mumbai Police have decided to crackdown severely on abusive and hoax callers.

In the fresh case, on February 6, the women policemen posted at the main control room at police headquarters were reluctant to pick the phones as a unknown caller had been using abusive language with the women policemen. Another woman police officer complaint to senior police officials claiming that some unknown caller was harassing them.

Taking permission from the respected senior police officials, they decided to lodge a complaint. Police register an offence and started looking for the accused. During the course of investigations police tracked that the caller had used a cell phone to harass women cops. Police with the help of service provider got his address as Govandi in eastern suburbs. Police on Sunday arrested Shaikh who admitted that he had made the calls just for fun.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/followceleb.cms?alias=Mumbai Police,Mohammed Mustaq Shaikh,Govandi,Azad Maidan police

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