Indian deck cadet injured on Panama car carrier ship off Mumbai coast

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 17 Januari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: An Indian deck cadet onboard Panama flag merchant vessel suffered serious injuries after hit on his temple and eyes while lowering life boat on Friday. The incident occurred 18 nautical miles (33 km) north-west off Mumbai shore around 4.55pm when the carrier vessel was on anchorage and the deck cadet was Neeraj Saini (28) was close to the life boat which was on the process of lowering, said the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) official.

The vessel was on a commercial voyage from Hambantota (Sri Lanka) to Mumbai. At 4.55pm VTMS (Vessel Traffic System) Mumbai reported about the medical emergency onboard the merchant vessel. "According to the vessel incharge, Saini was accidentally injured while lowering the life boat. He was bleeding porously, vomiting and required immediate evacuation," said the ICG spokesperson.

On receiving distress call from the merchant ship, the ICG immediately flung into action. "On receipt of the information, the ICG ship (C-154), commanded by Commandant (JG) Arvind Tyagi (TM) on patrol was diverted at 5.15pm.

Necessary medical assistance was provided and evacuated the injured deck cadet and sailed to the Mumbai harbor and handed him over to the local shipping agent. They then got the injured cadet admitted at JJ Hospital," said the ICG official. flag merchant vessel,Indian deck cadet,Indian Coast Guard

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Indian deck cadet injured on Panama car carrier ship off Mumbai coast

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