BMC serious about quarterly TB check for public hospital doctors

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 13 Januari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: A proposal to screen resident doctors at public hospitals for tuberculosis every quarter, is under serious consideration at BMC. The recent TB diagnosis of a JJ hospital doctor has put the focus back on the issue of safety and prevention among healthcare workers.

Fifteen staffers of Sewri TB hospital have died due to TB since 2011. In the past two years, 20 resident doctors at public hospitals in the city have been diagnosed with TB.

"We have already recommended to the civic body quarterly screening of doctors. It is being practised at Sewri TB hospital with good results," said Dr Minni Khetarpal, Mumbai's TB control officer. She added that BMC's move to provide nutritional breakfast to junior doctors is a step in the way of prevention.

A member of Maharashtra Association of Resident Doctors. "All public hospitals should follow international norms to create well-ventilated and isolated chest OPDs."

Khetarpal pointed out that immunity, work stress and lack of good eating habits are often at the root of TB infection among healthcare workers. "One has to see that most TB cases in hospitals are reported among grade IV staffers who do not treat patients. Also, students who come from outside are not exposed to the bacteria like those living in Mumbai who already have the immunity," she said.

Sion hospital's head of microbiology, Dr Sujata Baveja, said that all tertiary hospitals are working to tackle transmission. "Maximum risk is from a patient who is undiagnosed. The key is to suspect, detect and treat. As for hospitals, ventilation and good hygiene practices can work wonders," she said.

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BMC serious about quarterly TB check for public hospital doctors

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