30L to chant mantras for global peace today

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 11 Januari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Led by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar of the Art of Living Foundation, 30 lakh people worldwide will recite mantras for global peace on Sunday evening. The nodal gathering to "Chant for Global Peace and Happiness" will be held at MMRDA Grounds at Bandra-Kurla Complex from 6-8pm.

Art of Living will run a webcast for followers in 100 countries. The aim is to generate a wave of peace across the world with Mumbai as its epicentre. Ravi Shankar said his foundation had started meditation for French people traumatized by the Paris attacks.

He also said that in a historical first, 5,000 flautists will perform on one stage at Tapovan, Nashik, on January 12. This ensemble will be led by Ronu Majumdar. Pt Hariprasad Chaurasia will also attend.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/followceleb.cms?alias=Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,mantras,global peace,Art of Living Foundation

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30L to chant mantras for global peace today

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