Teacher test candidates get handwritten question paper in Urdu, find it illegible

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 17 Desember 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Candidates who recently took the state teacher eligibility test in Urdu complained that the paper was handwritten and not legible.

The test is a requisite for primary teachers. Candidates for the test in Urdu claimed the handwriting was childlike and the marks not clear.

The Urdu Headmasters' Association in the city wrote to school education minister Vinod Tawde demanding the issue be addressed soon.

"The candidates have been accustomed to giving exams in the 21st century wherein DTP printed papers are the norm," Najma Kazi, principal of the association, said.

Officials of the Maharashtra State Council of Examination said there were no problems in the paper.

"In Urdu, typing errors may creep in and it happened last time, so this year we scanned the paper once the paper-setter wrote it and printed copies," council chairman Dilip Sahastrabuddhe said.

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