Swachh wave headed for Colaba jetty

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 20 Desember 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The cleanliness wave that has hit many parts of the city is now headed for the Jamshed Bunder Jetty. Landfall is expected on Saturday morning.

The Strand Marg residents' association, Clean Mumbai Foundation and Mumbai First have organized the effort at the jetty in Colaba along with the BMC.

Jetties in the city are some of its least-clean places. Saturday's drive will take the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan from the many posh localities it has visited so far to the poorer and dirtier localities.

After the jetty clean-up, 30 hawkers at Colaba will be given banners saying 'Swacch Colaba' to spread awareness.

Organizers of the effort said they were disheartened to see the jetty area in a pitiful state though it is situated in the midst of a prime location in the city.

"We have been following up with the authorities for a long time as the jetty area cannot be cleaned simply with a broom since the dirt goes deep here, and so we are planning on using JCBs and dumpers," Ajay Multani, treasurer, Strand Marg Association, said.

Activists said residents of the nearby Azad Nagar and Sundar Nagar slums need to be educated on cleanliness.

"The jetty area is one of the dark spots in the area as far is garbage is concerned," Kunti Oza, chairperson, Clean Mumbai Foundation, said. "You have a lovely promenade near Meenu Desai Marg Colaba and yet the area is in such a mess."

After more than 10 weeks of the Swachh Bharat campaign, citizen activists are complaining of an imbalance; the dirtiest areas like Kurla, Govandi and Mankhurd are yet to be part of the campaign while the cleaner areas — with strong citizens' associations — are getting cleaned even more.

"In areas like Govandi, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is nothing more than a circular," SP corporator Rais Shaikh said. "BMC doesn't do its regular work here, forget activities like this."

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